




Malachi 3:10

Getting Started 

1. Describe a time in your life when you just had to trust someone at their word. They said they’d do something, come through for you, bring something and you chose to believe they would. What was that experience like for you? 


2. Money is something our culture values highly. How do you see people valuing money in the normal routine of their everyday lives? What are some healthy ways people value money? What are some unhealthy ways they value money? 


Digging Deeper

 We heard, “Let me be blunt, because on the subject of money Jesus was. Obedience can be measured in dollars. So can faith. So can sacrifice. It’s certainly not the only measure, but it’s one of the most accurate. If we give God 2 percent of our income, can we really say we are 100 percent committed to Him?” How does the way we spend money express who we are, what our priorities are, and what’s going on in our hearts? 

Read Malachi 3:10. What is your response to the idea of “testing” or “trying” God? Why? 



Read the following verses and discuss the limitations of money.


Proverbs 18:11 –



Ecclesiastes 5:10 –



Matthew 6:19 –



Luke 12:16-21 –



I Timothy 6:17 – 




Look at the following verses and talk about how tithing turns our faith in our finances upside-down.


Psalm 37:3 –



Proverbs 3:9-10 –



2.Matthew 6:33 –




Applying the Message

Can you imagine a scenario in which you would be able to completely release your concerns about your finances? What does that look like? How does it feel to imagine that? 




How could taking God at His word and obediently tithing change how you live? Alternatively, how has taking this leap of faith impacted you?