College Ministry

Ages 18 – 25

Whether you’re seek­ing a place to grow in your faith, make friends, or sim­ply find a sup­port­ive com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing your col­lege years, if you are between the ages of 18 – 25, we invite you to be a part of our Col­lege Min­istry. Togeth­er, we’re shap­ing a com­mu­ni­ty that val­ues authen­tic­i­ty, fos­ters growth, and seeks to live out our faith in mean­ing­ful ways. Come as you are, and let’s embark on this jour­ney together!

Currently, our College Ministry is focusing on connecting in small groups.  If you're interested in joining a group, or would like more information, we'd love to talk to you!

  • Pastor of Young Adults George Helewa
  • Day, Time: Sunday, 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
  • Location: Room 245 - Generations Building
  • Email: Email Us

Young Adults Café

20s & 30s, sin­gle & dating

There has never been a time where genuine community is more important than right now. Authentic face-to-face relationships with real people are a breath of fresh air in our online world. Join other people in your stage of life in a community committed to loving God, loving people, and going out and making a difference in the world.

Connect with us Sundays at Young Adult Cafe, where we grow closer to God and one another by hearing from God’s word and talking about what we learn. Small groups meet in homes throughout the week, where community is built around Bible Study and lifelong friendships grow. Monthly activities give us a chance to hang out with people, make new friends, and encourage one another, having fun while we do it!

God built us for community and relationships. Find out just how good they can be!

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
  • Location: Room 341 - Generations Building
  • Email:

Young Marrieds Café

Young Marrieds Cafe is a mix of a Sunday school class and small groups for married couples... we like to think it is the best of both worlds our church has to offer.  During Young Marrieds Cafe, we enjoy a short message from one our pastors, and then engage around tables (that seat up to five couples) in discussion about what we are learning. The environment is great for building up your marriage and building Godly relationships with other young married couples.

  • Teaching Leader Tom Varallo
  • Day, Time: Sunday, 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
  • Location: Room 211 - Generations Building

Marriage & Family Café

The Mar­riage and Fam­i­ly Café is a mix of Sun­day school class and small groups. We like to think it is the best of both worlds our church has to offer to build com­mu­ni­ty and thrive with oth­er believ­ers in the same sea­son of life and marriage. 

  • Teaching Leader Paul Circo
  • Day, Time: Sunday, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
  • Location: Room 312 - Generations Building

Equipping For Life

God’s Wis­dom For Grow­ing Families

  • Pastor Gary Coombs
  • Day, Time: Sunday, 10:45 am - 12:15 pm
  • Location: Room 323 - Generations Building


The Ambas­sadors class strives to learn and apply God’s word to be bet­ter equipped as ​“ambas­sadors for Christ.” Our class is taught by Dr. Gino Pasquar­iel­lo, and we invite adults of all ages to come and grow with us!

  • Pastor Ray Benton
  • Day, Time: Sunday, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
  • Location: Room 245 - Generations Building

Joyful Living

The purpose of our class is to take God’s Word and discover how we can become more Christ-like people, spouses, parents, friends, and co-workers as we apply His Truth to our lives and relationships. We believe in the encouragement and fellowship of the believers in building one another up in Christ. Our class believes in praying for one another, our church, and the missionaries we support around the world. Weekly prayer requests are collected and sent out to inform one another of how we can pray for each other. Please feel free to visit our class and continue your own Joyful Living journey with us, where the coffee is good, the fellowship is warm, and the family is eternal.

  • Teaching Leader Tim Powell
  • Day, Time: Sunday, 9:00 am - 10:30 am
  • Location: Room 345 - Generations Building
  • Email: Email Us!

Joint Heirs

Joint Heirs is one of many adult Sun­day School class­es you can attend at Shad­ow Moun­tain. ​“Joint Heirs” is an expres­sion that comes from Romans 8:17: ​“And if chil­dren, then heirs — heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ” (NKJV). In this class you will hear the Word taught unvar­nished and true by a teacher who cares not only about the accu­ra­cy of God’s Word, but also about each of you!