Wel­come to Shad­ow Youth High School Ministry!

Shad­ow Youth High School Min­istry is for stu­dents in 9th-12th grade. Our mis­sion is to make dis­ci­ples by part­ner­ing with par­ents to build up the next gen­er­a­tion of lead­ers who seek, serve, and share Christ. We accom­plish this mis­sion through small groups, min­istry events, stu­dent lead­er­ship, camps, activ­i­ties, and more. We want your stu­dent to be con­nect­ed and grow­ing in their faith.

Vis­it our Link Tree for more infor­ma­tion about events, merch, forms, and more!

  • High School Pastor Grant Todd
  • Location: High School Ministry Room - Generations Building

Weekend Service

Sun­days at 9:00am

oin us for fel­low­ship, wor­ship, and a mes­sage on Sun­day morn­ings at 9:00 am in the High School Min­istry Room. Please note we only have ONE Sun­day morn­ing ser­vice for high school stu­dents. We have a reserved sec­tion in the Wor­ship Cen­ter for any stu­dents who want to sit with us dur­ing the 10:45 ser­vice. Stu­dents are also wel­come to sit with their families.

  • Day, Time: Wednesday, 6:15 am - 8:15 pm
  • Location: High School Ministry Room - Generations Building

Small Groups

Wednes­days at 6:15pm

Small groups are designed to pro­vide a wel­com­ing, safe, and Christ-cen­tered envi­ron­ment for young peo­ple to seek Bib­li­cal answers, receive prayer sup­port, con­nect with fel­low believ­ers, and have the chance to devel­op a per­son­al rela­tion­ship with Christ.

Inter­est­ed in becom­ing a small group leader? Check out this video.

A High School Small Group is:

  • 10 students
  • 1-2 adult leaders
  • Same sex 
  • Same grade

Our Small Groups offer:

  • An environment for every student to feel welcome
  • A  community that is both fun and safe
  • Loving and caring relationships with fellow students and adult leaders
  • Biblical guidance on how to seek, serve, and share Christ
  • A place to pray and be prayed for
  • Invitations for students to take their next step of faith
  • Opportunities for students to give their lives to Christ 

  • To give everyone a place to belong and feel accepted.
    • Quiet students share
    • Absent students are missed
    • Work with friendship clusters, not against them
    • Provide support structure for newborn Christians
    • Chance to grow spiritually
  • Allow young people caring adult relationships, feedback and council.
  • Provide adults an entry point for real ministry into student life.

Drop Off:

  • Students should arrive at 6:15pm at the High School Room (at the south end of the Generations Building)
  • If this is their first time or they have not been assigned to a small group, they will need to stop by the front desk to be placed in a group. 

During Program Time:

  • The program will begin at 6:30 pm in the High School Room.
  • There will be game time, worship, and a Biblical message. 
  • After the message, students will be dismissed to go to their small group rooms.
  • In their small group rooms, they will spend time connecting with each other, discussing the message, and praying for each other.
  • Groups are broken up by grade and gender and students are assigned to the same group each week.

Pick Up:

  • Small groups will end at 8:15 pm. 
  • If you’re being picked up by a parent, have your parent call or text you when they arrive. You will then be able to leave your group to meet your parent.
  • If you don’t have a cell phone, your parent should find a staff member outside of the High School Room. The staff member will then contact your small group leader and have you come down to meet your parent.
  • If you drove yourself, you can leave on your own once your small group time is over. 

To get connected to one of our small groups, stop by our info table any Wednesday night. One of our staff will be there to collect your information and connect you to a small group. 

If you’re interested in being a small group leader, please contact Bethany Gaut. You can also fill out the Volunteer Sign Up Form above.

  • Location: High School Ministry Room - Generations Building


YTH SRV is our unique opportunity for students to use their gifts, talents, and abilities to serve in ministry. YTH SRV exists to provide connections, opportunities, and environments that will help you seek, serve, and share Christ. As a Shadow Youth Student Leader, you have the opportunity to work alongside our staff to help make Shadow Youth fun, welcoming, and excellent in every way. You will be challenged to grow in your leadership ability by serving on one of our service teams: First Impressions Team, Tech Team, or Worship Band. If you want to get involved in Shadow Youth and serve at a higher level, come check out this unique opportunity. 

If you love being friendly and talking to people, this team is for you! F.I.T. is our "welcome" team that helps make Shadow Youth a warm, friendly environment. We seek out new students and help them feel welcome. You will help with check-in, signs-ups, giving directions, and prepping and decorating for events.

If you like to help with lights, sound, stage design, and tech of any kind, this team is for you! We get to run the soundboard, light board, computers, and setup the stage.

For those who love to use their musical gifts to praise God, we invite you to audition for the Worship Team! You get to serve by helping lead worship - playing instruments and/or singing along with the band. You will attend worship band practices and get to learn from experienced worship leaders. An audition is required before joining this team.


Bap­tism is the first step of obe­di­ence in the life of a Chris­t­ian (Matt. 28:18 – 20). It is also a way for Chris­tians to be pub­licly iden­ti­fied with Christ in his death, bur­ial, and res­ur­rec­tion (Rom. 6:3 – 4). Bap­tism does not bring sal­va­tion (Eph. 2:8 – 9), but sym­bol­izes our new life, much like a wed­ding ring sym­bol­izes ones mar­i­tal sta­tus. You may have a lot of ques­tions and we are here to help you along the way.

  • Jesus set an example when he was baptized (Matt 3:16-17) 
  • Jesus commended all believers to be baptized (Matt. 28:18-20). It is an act of obedience to do what Jesus said to do. 
  • Baptism is symbol of our faith in Jesus- letting everyone know that you love, trust, and put your hope in Jesus Christ. Baptism does not get you to heaven (Eph. 2:8-9) (Luke 23:39-43) but symbolizes our new life, just like a wedding ring symbolizes that someone is married. 
  • Baptism lets everyone know you are a Christian! Baptism gives you a chance to say to the church, “I want to love Jesus and I am going to need your help.” And it allows the church to acknowledge your decision and respond, “That's awesome! We are also trying to love Jesus too and we want to help you along the way!” It’s like a welcome ceremony into the family of the Church.

Baptism ceremonies are done differently all over the world (just like weddings and other ceremonies). Here is how we do it at Shadow Mountain:

  • We will pick a date that works for you to come and be baptized in one of the main church services. Students are usually baptized at Saturday Night service (Live at Five).
  • You will come to church before service, meet up with Pastor Grant and will be escorted to the Baptistry area. You can bring a parent with you and there will also be a helper (called Deacon or Deaconess) to guide you through the process.
  • There is a private changing room where you will change into a white robe (symbolizing being made clean and purified in Christ!).
  • During the service you will get into the water in the “baptismal” (it’s like a small warm pool). Pastor Grant will introduce you to the church and you will read your testimony. It will be written down to you don’t have to memorize it)
  • You will be dunked under the water (symbolizing death) and then lifted back out again (symbolizing new life in Christ).
  • Everyone will cheer with excitement because they are so happy for you!
  • And that’s it! You will be all wet, but the helper will give you towels and deal with the wet robe.
  • You will get a video of the baptism sent to your email and a baptism certificate signed by Pastor Grant. 

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm
  • Location: Middle School Ministry Room - Generations Building


Journey (Grades 9 — 12)

AWANA, which stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed", offers a curriculum that reaches children, youth, and families with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our proven and adaptable curriculum will have you developing leaders and discipling kids to walk with Christ for life. The programs start at age 2 and continue through age 18. AWANA meetings are structured and feature various activities like game time, worship, age-appropriate Bible lessons, and individual or group Scripture memorization. By using a combination of fun and educational elements, AWANA aims to create an exciting environment where children and youth can learn about the Christian faith while building strong moral character and personal discipline.

For more information about AWANA, click here.

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
  • Location: Room 210 - Generations Building

Shadow Youth Choir

Shadow Youth Choir is a worship ministry for students in grades 9-12 who are interested in singing can grow in their knowledge of music and worship leadership as well as use their gifts to glorify God and serve others. Students in the Shadow Youth Choir will have the opportunity to lead and gain experience through serving at the various campuses and ministries of Shadow Mountain.

Shadow Youth HSM Calendar

Click here to view the 2024 Fall Calendar.


Grant Todd High School Pastor
Courtney Cranston Ministry Coordinator
Morgan Hewett Administrative Assistant