Wel­come to Shad­ow Youth High School Ministry!

Shad­ow Youth High School Min­istry is for stu­dents in 9th-12th grade. Our mis­sion is to make dis­ci­ples by part­ner­ing with par­ents to build up the next gen­er­a­tion of lead­ers who seek, serve, and share Christ. We accom­plish this mis­sion through small groups, min­istry events, stu­dent lead­er­ship, camps, activ­i­ties, and more. We want your stu­dent to be con­nect­ed and grow­ing in their faith.

Vis­it our Link Tree for more infor­ma­tion about events, merch, forms, and more!

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 9:00 am - 10:00 am
  • Location: High School Ministry Room - Generations Building

Weekend Service

Sun­days at 9:00am

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the High School Ministry Room for a time of fellowship, worship, and a message. Please note that we offer only one Sunday morning service specifically for high school students.

For those attending the 10:45 AM Main service, we have a reserved student section in the Worship Center for anyone who would like to sit together. Of course, students are always welcome to sit with their families in this space as well. We look forward to worshiping with you!

  • Day, Time: Wednesday, 6:15 am - 8:15 pm
  • Location: High School Ministry Room - Generations Building

Small Groups

Wednes­days at 6:15pm

Small groups are a place where students can grow in their faith while building meaningful connections. Designed to be welcoming, safe, and Christ-centered, these groups provide a space to:

  • Seek Biblical answers to life’s questions
  • Receive prayer support and encouragement
  • Connect with fellow believers and form lasting friendships
  • Deepen your personal relationship with Christ

Are you passionate about leading and investing in others? We’re looking for Small Group Leaders who want to make a difference. You can sign up here to get started! We also have a video that explains the impact of Small Group leaders here!

What is a High School Small Group?

  • 10 students
  • 1-2 adult leaders
  • Same gender
  • Same grade

What Our Small Groups Offer:

  • A welcoming environment where every student belongs.
  • A fun and safe community to build lasting friendships
  • Loving, supportive relationships with peers and leaders
  • Biblical guidance on how to seek, serve, and share Christ
  • A place to pray and be prayed for
  • Encouragement to take the next step in your faith journey
  • Opportunities to commit your life to Christ

Small Groups are a place where every student feels valued, accepted, and connected. They encourage quiet students to share, ensure absent students are missed, and provide a strong support system for new believers. In a safe and nurturing environment, students can grow spiritually while building meaningful relationships. With the guidance of caring adult leaders, they receive mentorship, encouragement, and biblical wisdom. At the same time, adults gain a meaningful way to invest in students' lives, walking alongside them in their faith journey.


Students should arrive by 6:15 PM at the High School Room, located at the south end of the Generations Building. 

  • If it’s their first time or they haven’t been assigned to a small group, they must check in at the front desk to be placed in a group. 


Program Time: 

The program starts at 6:30 PM in the High School Room and includes a game time, worship, and a Biblical message! After the message, students will head to their small group rooms, where they will connect with their group, discuss the message, and pray for one another.

Small groups are organized by grade and gender, and students stay in the same group each week. 



Small groups end at 8:15 PM

  • Parent Pick-Up: Students should have their parent call or text when they arrive. They will then leave their group to meet them.
  • No Cell Phone? Parents should find a staff member outside the High School Room to contact the student’s small group leader.
  • Driving Yourself? Students who drive can leave on their own once small group time is over. 


  • Location: High School Ministry Room - Generations Building


YTH SRV is an incredible opportunity for students to use their gifts, talents, and abilities to serve in ministry. Our goal is to create connections, opportunities, and environments that help you seek, serve, and share Christ.

As a Shadow Youth Student Leader, you’ll work alongside our team to make Shadow Youth a fun, welcoming, and impactful experience for everyone. You’ll also be challenged to grow as a leader by serving on one of our dynamic teams:

  • First Impressions Team – Creating a welcoming and friendly environment
  • Tech Team – Running sound, lights, and media to enhance worship
  • Worship Band – Leading others in praise through music

If you’re looking for a way to get more involved and serve at a higher level, YTH SRV is for you! 

If you love meeting new people and creating a welcoming atmosphere, the First Impressions Team (F.I.T.) is the perfect place for you! As the welcome team for Shadow Youth, we make sure every student feels seen and valued from the moment they walk in.

Your role will include:

  • Greeting and connecting with new students
  • Assisting with check-in and sign-ups
  • Giving directions and answering questions

If you’re passionate about making others feel welcome, come be a part of F.I.T.!

If you’re passionate about lights, sound, or tech, the Tech Team is the place for you! This team plays a vital role in creating an engaging and seamless service.

As part of the Tech Team, you’ll get hands-on experience with:

  • Running the soundboard to ensure clear and balanced audio
  • Operating the light board to set the right atmosphere
  • Managing computers and media for lyrics, videos, and presentations

If you love working behind the scenes to make everything look and sound amazing, come be a part of the Tech Team!

If you have a passion for using your musical gifts to praise God, we invite you to audition for the Worship Team!

As part of this team, you’ll have the opportunity to lead others in worship by playing an instrument or singing with the band. You'll also grow in your skills by attending worship practices and learning from experienced worship leaders.

An audition is required to join, so if you're interested in being on the team, we’d love to hear from you!


Bap­tism is the first step of obe­di­ence in the life of a Chris­t­ian (Matt. 28:18 – 20). It is also a way for Chris­tians to be pub­licly iden­ti­fied with Christ in his death, bur­ial, and res­ur­rec­tion (Rom. 6:3 – 4). Bap­tism does not bring sal­va­tion (Eph. 2:8 – 9), but sym­bol­izes our new life, much like a wed­ding ring sym­bol­izes ones mar­i­tal sta­tus. You may have a lot of ques­tions and we are here to help you along the way.

Jesus set an example for us when He was baptized (Matthew 3:16-17) and commanded all believers to follow in obedience through baptism (Matthew 28:18-20).

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward faith—it’s a way of declaring to others that you love, trust, and place your hope in Jesus Christ. While baptism itself doesn’t save you or get you to heaven (Ephesians 2:8-9, Luke 23:39-43), it serves as a powerful symbol of your new life in Christ.

  • We’ll work with you to choose a date that fits your schedule for your baptism, which will take place during one of the main church services. Most students are baptized at the Saturday Night "Live at Five" service.
  • On the day of your baptism, you’ll arrive at church before the service and meet with Pastor Grant, who will guide you through the process. You can bring a parent with you, and a Deacon or Deaconess will be there to assist you every step of the way.
  • There’s a private changing room where you’ll change into a white robe, symbolizing being made clean and new in Christ. During the service, you’ll step into the baptismal (a warm, pool-like area). Pastor Grant will introduce you to the congregation, and you’ll have the opportunity to read your testimony—don’t worry, it will be written down, so no memorization is needed!
  • Then you’ll be immersed in the water, representing Christ’s death, and then lifted back up, symbolizing your new life in Him. The whole church will cheer and celebrate with you!
  • Afterward, you’ll dry off with provided towels, and a helper will take care of your robe. As a keepsake, you’ll receive a video of your baptism via email and a baptism certificate signed by Pastor Grant.

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 5:00 pm - 6:45 pm
  • Location: High School Ministry Room - Generations Building


Journey (Grades 9 — 12)

AWANA, which stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed", offers a curriculum that reaches children, youth, and families with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our proven and adaptable curriculum will have you developing leaders and discipling kids to walk with Christ for life. The programs start at age 2 and continue through age 18. AWANA meetings are structured and feature various activities like game time, worship, age-appropriate Bible lessons, and individual or group Scripture memorization. By using a combination of fun and educational elements, AWANA aims to create an exciting environment where children and youth can learn about the Christian faith while building strong moral character and personal discipline.

For more information about AWANA, click here.

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm
  • Location: Room 210 - Generations Building

Shadow Youth Choir

Shadow Youth Choir is a worship ministry for students in grades 9-12 who are interested in singing can grow in their knowledge of music and worship leadership as well as use their gifts to glorify God and serve others. Students in the Shadow Youth Choir will have the opportunity to lead and gain experience through serving at the various campuses and ministries of Shadow Mountain.

Shadow Youth HSM Calendar

Click below to view the 2025 Spring Calendar.


Grant Todd High School Pastor
Courtney Cranston Ministry Coordinator
Morgan Hewett Administrative Assistant