Shad­ow Moun­tain Kid’s pur­pose is to pro­claim the truth of God, to inspire love for God, and to empow­er life with God. We strive to be a place where kids love to learn and grow in Christ, where par­ents love to bring their kids, and where church mem­bers love to lead and serve. We pro­vide a safe and car­ing envi­ron­ment for kids where we can teach them about God in an age-appro­pri­ate way. We rec­og­nize that chil­dren learn best through play, which means learn­ing about God should be enjoyable.

Service Information:

Kid's at (Nurs­ery-5th grade avail­able at all three services) 

• Sat­ur­day at 5:00pm 

• Sun­day at 9:00am and 10:45am (Kids Blast/​Kids Blast Jr.)

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 10:45 am - 12:15 pm

Kids Blast

An all-new kids church expe­ri­ence every Sun­day at 10:45am.

We have tak­en Shad­ow Moun­tain Kids to new heights and burst­ing out of this world with new pro­gram­ming! Live band, crazy fun games and activ­i­ties, and of course inspir­ing truth from the Bible. It’s like Sum­mer Blast, only every week­end! Come see for your­self all that’s hap­pen­ing at Shad­ow Moun­tain Kids!

Kids Blast: 1st-5th grade in the Event Cen­ter
Kids Blast Jr.: Preschool/​Kinder in the Kids Build­ing Base­ment

Weekend Services

How do you get kids to love com­ing to church? Make it fun! We cre­ate a dynam­ic, mul­ti-faceted min­istry pro­gram each week­end fea­tur­ing small group (class­rooms) and large group expe­ri­ences to max­i­mize impact. Chil­dren learn in dif­fer­ent ways, so we pro­vide options for what works best for them.

You can expect engag­ing and age-appro­pri­ate envi­ron­ments, safe and secure expe­ri­ences, and friend­ly and rela­tion­al care for your child, all while they learn about Jesus! Our babies (birth-23 months) are cared for by gen­tle and lov­ing vol­un­teers as they dance to music, lis­ten to Bible sto­ries, make age-appro­pri­ate crafts, and play togeth­er. We invite you, as par­ents of an infant or tod­dler, to vis­it the Nurs­ery at any time! We are locat­ed on the first floor of the Gen­er­a­tions Building.

The goal of our min­istry is to part­ner with par­ents and our church body to build strong, spir­i­tu­al foun­da­tions in the lives of chil­dren in our church and com­mu­ni­ty, which will lead them to a per­son­al rela­tion­ship with Jesus.

Begin­ning at age 3, we strive for our chil­dren to know that God cre­at­ed them and loves them. We con­tin­ue to teach Bib­li­cal truths so that by the time they enter the ele­men­tary min­istry they will under­stand who Jesus is, what He did for them, and have built a foun­da­tion toward a life-long rela­tion­ship with Him.

Shad­ow Moun­tain Kid’s is EXCIT­ED to meet you and your fam­i­ly! Our staff and vol­un­teers are com­mit­ted to a cut­ting edge approach to min­istry that con­nects Truth to where kids live and breathe: at home, on the play­ground with their friends, at school, and every­where in between. When your child leaves here each week­end, it is our goal that they will know that noth­ing can sep­a­rate them from God’s love (Rom. 8:39), that they are cre­at­ed with a pur­pose, and that WE love them too!

ELE­VATE, our class for kids with spe­cial needs, meets dur­ing the 10:45 a.m. ser­vice in the Kid’s Building. 

For the com­fort of your chil­dren, we high­ly encour­age par­ents to attend one ser­vice in Ele­vate with their chil­dren before drop­ping them off. 

(The form can be picked up at Guest Ser­vices in the lob­by of the Kid’s Building).

  • Day, Time: Wednesday, 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm


AWANA (Approved Work­men Are Not Ashamed) offers a cur­ricu­lum that reach­es chil­dren, youth, and fam­i­lies with the gospel of Jesus Christ. AWANA meet­ings fea­ture var­i­ous activ­i­ties like game time, wor­ship, age-appro­pri­ate Bible lessons, and indi­vid­ual or group Scrip­ture mem­o­riza­tion. By using a com­bi­na­tion of fun and edu­ca­tion­al ele­ments, AWANA aims to cre­ate an excit­ing envi­ron­ment where chil­dren and youth can learn about the Chris­t­ian faith while build­ing strong moral char­ac­ter and per­son­al discipline.

Pug­gles® rec­og­nizes the learn­ing abil­i­ty of two and three year olds by intro­duc­ing bib­li­cal con­cepts at church and equip­ping fam­i­lies to teach them at home. This year-long preschool min­istry cur­ricu­lum fea­tures play­ful activ­i­ties, engag­ing songs and sim­ple crafts as well as take-home resources.

Cubbies® nurtures the budding faith of preschoolers and celebrates their desire to explore all that God has created. This two year preschool ministry curriculum features exciting games, storytelling, puppet shows, and biblical teaching as well as take-home activities and tools.

Sparks® ignites a child’s curiosity about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. This three year early elementary school ministry curriculum features exciting games, engaging activities, biblical teaching and media resources for kids and leaders.

T&T® explores the concept of grace by focusing on the character and nature of God, identity of Christ, as well as the structure and format of the Bible. This four year upper elementary school ministry curriculum is created to ensure that kids and leaders connect through God's Word.

Interested in serving as an AWANA Leader?

  • Day, Time: Sunday, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Children's Choir

Your child will learn to sing faith based songs, par­tic­i­pate in rhythm and move­ment games, learn dra­ma, make mean­ing­ful crafts, estab­lish per­for­mance skills, and most impor­tant­ly, they will have a great time learn­ing new things about our Lord!

Your child will learn to sing faith based songs, participate in rhythm and movement games, learn drama, make meaningful crafts, establish performance skills, and most importantly, they will have a great time learning new things about our Lord!

Children's Choir is designed for kids in 1st - 5th grade who love singing about Jesus. We rehearse every Sunday night from 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. in the Choir Room which can be found on the second floor of the Generations Building

  • Director Tim Brown

Kids Sports

We’re about the WIN. For us, the WIN is being a WIT­NESS for Jesus Christ to the com­mu­ni­ty, INTE­GRAT­ING peo­ple into the SMCC fam­i­ly and NOUR­ISH­ING the qual­i­ty of our pro­grams and leaders.

SPARC Youth Rec Basketball is a developmental basketball league designed to teach young athletes the fundamentals of basketball through practice and organized games. This league is open to boys and girls in grades K-8 of any skill level. From beginner to advanced, we are a rec league open to all stages of development. Kids will not be turned away because of their skill.

Different teams will practice either Monday, Tuesday or Thursday for one hour between 4pm-8pm depending on the coach and team. Starting the first week of December, teams will be able to practice once a week on the outdoor courts (Don Palmer courts) on the campus of SMCC. Games are scheduled for Saturdays between 8am-3pm starting in January. The season will include playoffs for grades 3-8 and will conclude by the first weekend in March. Each division will play at different times on Saturday mornings. The games will be played in the Ryan Athletic Center (RAC) on the campus of SMCC. A complete game schedule will be available prior to the start of the season.

SPARC Club Basketball is designed as a developmental program for kids looking to compete beyond rec level basketball.  For kids looking to improve in all aspects of their basketball ability and face tougher competition outside of the SPARC rec league, the club opportunity at Shadow Mountain is a great fit! Kids will grow in their understanding of offensive and defensive concepts, learn systems and plays as well as have the opportunity to compete against other club teams around San Diego County. 

This league is for boys ages 12-17; 6th grade thru 12th grade. We are open to all skill levels, from beginner to advanced, as we work each towards a competitive AAU club program. There are two possibilities for team placement.  The first will be by age and secondly, if they are able to compete at a high level, they could be moved up to an older team. 

The SPARC Ministry at SMCC is excited to offer Youth Soccer again this summer!  The program this season will consist of 4 sessions and is designed to introduce kids to the joy of soccer and develop their skills in a fun and encouraging environment. Each young athlete will learn the fundamentals of soccer through individual skill drills and organized team play. This league is open to boys and girls from ages 3-12 of any skill level.

Youth Soccer

Soccer program designed to introduce kids to the joy of soccer & develop their skills in a fun & encouraging environment.  For boys and girls ages 3-12.

Youth Basketball Camp 

Join Shadow Mountain Sports & Christian High Basketball coaches for a 4 day camp that includes skill development and live games for boys & girls ages 5-14. 

Power Sports Camp

Join us for a 4 day multi-sport camp (Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, Football, Soccer, and more) for boys & girls ages 5-12.


Kids Baptism

Getting baptized is the next step in our faith.  We love to see kids come to know Jesus as their Savior and then choose to get baptized! We recommend that kids are at least entering third grade for baptism. If your child is younger than 3rd grade, please get in touch with Shadow Mountain Kids' Ministry to discuss baptism.

Child Dedication

We are excited that you are interested in having your child dedicated to the Lord. The purpose of child dedication is for parents to present their child before God and His people asking for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities to raise their children up in a manner that is glorifying to God. Parents also come praying that their child will one day trust Jesus Christ as their Savior. Our desire at Shadow Mountain Community Church is to partner with you in this effort and to help make this a meaningful life experience. As a church, we want to partner with you in prayer, fellowship and resources as you begin this journey as a family. This formal declaration is an opportunity to let friends and family know that you will be faithful in not only attendance, but also involvement with your child's spiritual growth. 

Upcoming Child Dedication Ceremony & Class Dates: 
October 20, 2024 @ 12:15 pm (Parent Information Class) 

November 9, 2024 @ 3:00 pm (Dedication) 
The required Parent/Child Dedication Class is designed to communicate more effectively what this step is all about in your parenting journey. 

Join Our Team

At Shadow Mountain Community Church, we know that children are precious in God’s eyes, so we take children and ministering to them very seriously. Children's Ministry is a vibrant community that allows you to serve while also helping you get connected with others while having some fun too! Come by the Kids Building Lobby during any of our weekend services to hear about the many opportunities to get involved in our ministry.

Links to curriculum are available below. Please see your area coordinator if you need the password.


Jesse Abeel Children's Pastor