We were cre­at­ed to con­nect rela­tion­al­ly, and in a church as big as Shad­ow Moun­tain, some­times that can be hard. That’s where Small Groups come in. You don’t have to do life by your­self! In a Small Group, you will find peo­ple who lean on each oth­er like fam­i­ly – a close com­mu­ni­ty that grows and learns together. 

Our Groups

Our groups range in size from 4 to 14 peo­ple, and most (but not all!) meet in homes on week­day evenings. Many of our groups fol­low Pas­tor Jere­mi­ah’s Ser­mon Ques­tions each week, while oth­ers do indi­vid­ual book or Scrip­ture stud­ies. We have a vari­ety of groups serv­ing Men, Women, Young Adults, Mar­ried Cou­ples, and more!

Our Leaders

We don’t expect our lead­ers to be Bible experts – they are church mem­bers who have been trained by us to facil­i­tate dis­cus­sion and help mem­bers grow spiritually.

Join A Group

All you have to do is join a group – you don’t have to be a mem­ber, or even a Chris­t­ian, to embark on this adven­ture. Don’t wait until you’re ready or have a need for com­mu­ni­ty. Today is the day to start doing life with peo­ple who care about you.

Small Groups Curriculum

View, down­load, or print small groups curriculum.


Dale Bacon Pastor
David Guzik Associate Pastor
Bethany Perkins Ministry Coordinator
Melissa Teasdale Administrative Assistant