
We do not have an outline this week
Watch Service     Leader Packet

Getting Started 

As a group, recite/read John 3:16 together. What is your first memory of this verse? 



As you have grown in your faith, how has the impact of this verse grown or changed over the years? How has it stayed the same? 



Going Deeper

Read Jeremiah 31:3 and 1 John 3:1. In your own words, “what manner of love” has the Father bestowed upon the world (and you) through action? What did He do to show you His love for you? 



Describe the personal nature of being loved by God. In what way do you live in this “God loves me” reality? How is this different than other kinds of love? 



Each and every person is a candidate for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Think of someone you know (or know of) who lived life in such a way that he/she (to your way of thinking) should not have been a candidate for this Gospel. What behavior, speech, or disposition gave you this impression? 




This passage also points out that it is each person’s decision to accept this Gospel and its gift (i.e., whosoever believes in Him). Describe someone you know/have known that chose to not accept God’s offer. What thoughts and feelings come up in you and you reflect on the weight of rejecting this offer. 




Applying the Message

Life in Christ begins when we accept God’s offer. But it continues. Where in this walk of faith are you? How connected do you feel to the Gospel today? What is one hindrance to living fully in the “good news” of the Gospel?



How might you more fully embrace this Gospel by thinking, behaving, and speaking in a more Gospel-centric way? In what way can you start living differently today?








Getting Started 

As a group, recite/read John 3:16 together. What is your first memory of this verse? 



As you have grown in your faith, how has the impact of this verse grown or changed over the years? How has it stayed the same? 



Going Deeper

Read Jeremiah 31:3 and 1 John 3:1. In your own words, “what manner of love” has the Father bestowed upon the world (and you) through action? What did He do to show you His love for you? 



Describe the personal nature of being loved by God. In what way do you live in this “God loves me” reality? How is this different than other kinds of love? 



Each and every person is a candidate for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Think of someone you know (or know of) who lived life in such a way that he/she (to your way of thinking) should not have been a candidate for this Gospel. What behavior, speech, or disposition gave you this impression? 




This passage also points out that it is each person’s decision to accept this Gospel and its gift (i.e., whosoever believes in Him). Describe someone you know/have known that chose to not accept God’s offer. What thoughts and feelings come up in you and you reflect on the weight of rejecting this offer. 




Applying the Message

Life in Christ begins when we accept God’s offer. But it continues. Where in this walk of faith are you? How connected do you feel to the Gospel today? What is one hindrance to living fully in the “good news” of the Gospel?



How might you more fully embrace this Gospel by thinking, behaving, and speaking in a more Gospel-centric way? In what way can you start living differently today?


