
We do not have an outline this week
Watch Service     Leader Packet

Getting Started 

When you think of the word “sin,” what ideas form in your mind? What Bible passages do you think about? 



Think back…when did you first come to realize that sin was a real thing? How did you respond to this truth?



In what way are sin and the image/behavior of a serpent (snake) similar? How are they different?



Going Deeper

Read John 3:14-15. What about this passage strikes you as important? Confusing? Interesting? Powerful? 


How are people “poisoned” by sin? In what way is it like a serpent’s bite? 



Before a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, what were some methods you employed to try and get the poison of sin out of your heart? How do you see people working hard to get sin out of their lives today? 



Read Numbers 21:8 and John 3:15. Discuss how these two passages provide a unique and simple remedy for the problem. What was difficult or confusing about this requirement? What was simple?



In the same manner as the people who only needed to look at the serpent, think about the simplicity of the Gospel. In the most basic of language, what does the Gospel ask of us in order to take care of our sin problem? 



Applying the Message

Reflect on the Gospel and the way you are living. Would you say that you are more inclined to live in the simplicity of it or do you tend to be more caught up in finding the solution for yourself?



How might you more faithfully believe that Jesus really made it this easy for you? In what way can you respond (or respond again) to the biblical remedy for sin? How can you live in the Gospel of Jesus Christ today? 








Getting Started 

When you think of the word “sin,” what ideas form in your mind? What Bible passages do you think about? 



Think back…when did you first come to realize that sin was a real thing? How did you respond to this truth?



In what way are sin and the image/behavior of a serpent (snake) similar? How are they different?



Going Deeper

Read John 3:14-15. What about this passage strikes you as important? Confusing? Interesting? Powerful? 


How are people “poisoned” by sin? In what way is it like a serpent’s bite? 



Before a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, what were some methods you employed to try and get the poison of sin out of your heart? How do you see people working hard to get sin out of their lives today? 



Read Numbers 21:8 and John 3:15. Discuss how these two passages provide a unique and simple remedy for the problem. What was difficult or confusing about this requirement? What was simple?



In the same manner as the people who only needed to look at the serpent, think about the simplicity of the Gospel. In the most basic of language, what does the Gospel ask of us in order to take care of our sin problem? 



Applying the Message

Reflect on the Gospel and the way you are living. Would you say that you are more inclined to live in the simplicity of it or do you tend to be more caught up in finding the solution for yourself?



How might you more faithfully believe that Jesus really made it this easy for you? In what way can you respond (or respond again) to the biblical remedy for sin? How can you live in the Gospel of Jesus Christ today? 


