
We do not have an outline this week.
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Getting Started

1. God is always at work (see John 5:17 and Romans 8:28), and He is supernaturally creative in His technique. How have you seen God work in your life?

2. God uses people to be part of His “drawing to Himself” campaign. Who were these people in your salvation story? How has God used you in this way?

Going Deeper

1. Describe someone you know who has heard a witness about God’s saving grace (e.g., sermon, conversation, Bible study, prayer, etc.) and responded to Jesus’ invitation by giving their lives over to Him.

2. Read John 1:35-42. In verse 38, Jesus asks, “What do you seek?” Outside of a relationship with Jesus, what do people seek in life? Where do they go to find hope and a sense of purpose? Prior to a saving relationship with Jesus, what types of people, things, or experiences did you pursue?

3. Many believers would say that their Christian walk has grown and changed over time. Describe your Christian walk when you first accepted Jesus Christ. How has your relationship with Jesus changed and grown? In what way are you different today than you were when you were first saved.

4. In the verses below, how is the process of growth and maturity in the Christian walk described?

          1 Corinthians 13:11

          Ephesians 4:15

          Philippians 4:6

          1 Thessalonians 3:12

          Hebrews 6:1

          1 Peter 2:2

5. Re-read John 1:42. Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter. Some translations use the name Cephas, which means “stone.” Why did Jesus change Simon’s name? What was significant about Simon’s personality before his name change? What about after Jesus gave him a new name?

Applying the Message

1. Practice telling your story. Split off into groups of 2 or 3 and just have a conversation about your story. Imagine that the people you are speaking with don’t know you and are curious about your faith.

2. Who in your life doesn’t know your story? How might you share with them in a simple, conversational, honest manner? When could you do this?






Getting Started

1. God is always at work (see John 5:17 and Romans 8:28), and He is supernaturally creative in His technique. How have you seen God work in your life?

2. God uses people to be part of His “drawing to Himself” campaign. Who were these people in your salvation story? How has God used you in this way?

Going Deeper

1. Describe someone you know who has heard a witness about God’s saving grace (e.g., sermon, conversation, Bible study, prayer, etc.) and responded to Jesus’ invitation by giving their lives over to Him.

2. Read John 1:35-42. In verse 38, Jesus asks, “What do you seek?” Outside of a relationship with Jesus, what do people seek in life? Where do they go to find hope and a sense of purpose? Prior to a saving relationship with Jesus, what types of people, things, or experiences did you pursue?

3. Many believers would say that their Christian walk has grown and changed over time. Describe your Christian walk when you first accepted Jesus Christ. How has your relationship with Jesus changed and grown? In what way are you different today than you were when you were first saved.

4. In the verses below, how is the process of growth and maturity in the Christian walk described?

          1 Corinthians 13:11

          Ephesians 4:15

          Philippians 4:6

          1 Thessalonians 3:12

          Hebrews 6:1

          1 Peter 2:2

5. Re-read John 1:42. Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter. Some translations use the name Cephas, which means “stone.” Why did Jesus change Simon’s name? What was significant about Simon’s personality before his name change? What about after Jesus gave him a new name?

Applying the Message

1. Practice telling your story. Split off into groups of 2 or 3 and just have a conversation about your story. Imagine that the people you are speaking with don’t know you and are curious about your faith.

2. Who in your life doesn’t know your story? How might you share with them in a simple, conversational, honest manner? When could you do this?
