
Watch Service     Leader Packet

Getting Started

1. Describe a time when you have been rescued (this could be as common as being broken down on the side of the road or something more dire and personal).

2. Conversely, when have you rescued someone? At what point did you realize this person needed help? What were the steps you took to bring the person to a safe place?

Going Deeper

1. As a Christian, when did you realize that God had literally “rescued” you from danger, punishment, and Hell? As you connected with your own deliverance from peril, how did it affect your outlook on life? Your heart?

2. Think back through the different scenarios in the Bible where God rescued a person, a group of people, or even an entire nation. Make a list of 3-5 stories. Describe what it would have been like to have lived in that time and saved in that way.

3. Read Psalm 34: 4, 7, 17, 19. Circle the word “deliverance.” What does this say about God’s view of those He rescues? What does this say about His heart?

4. Read Revelation 3:10. In what way have you persevered during a trial or test? Describe the way it felt to face that ordeal. How did this hardship conclude?

5. The above verse is for Jesus’ followers. Describe how you feel knowing that, as a Christian, you are promised protection from the Tribulation. 

Applying the Message

1. Describe a current tribulation you are facing (i.e., distress, agony, or pain). In what way does connecting with the above promise–of safety from the future Tribulation–change your view of the present challenge you are facing?

2. How might you choose to live differently as you remember the Revelation 3:10 promise? In what way can you view your life differently as you see it through the lens of Jesus’ long-term protection and security?






Getting Started

1. Describe a time when you have been rescued (this could be as common as being broken down on the side of the road or something more dire and personal).

2. Conversely, when have you rescued someone? At what point did you realize this person needed help? What were the steps you took to bring the person to a safe place?

Going Deeper

1. As a Christian, when did you realize that God had literally “rescued” you from danger, punishment, and Hell? As you connected with your own deliverance from peril, how did it affect your outlook on life? Your heart?

2. Think back through the different scenarios in the Bible where God rescued a person, a group of people, or even an entire nation. Make a list of 3-5 stories. Describe what it would have been like to have lived in that time and saved in that way.

3. Read Psalm 34: 4, 7, 17, 19. Circle the word “deliverance.” What does this say about God’s view of those He rescues? What does this say about His heart?

4. Read Revelation 3:10. In what way have you persevered during a trial or test? Describe the way it felt to face that ordeal. How did this hardship conclude?

5. The above verse is for Jesus’ followers. Describe how you feel knowing that, as a Christian, you are promised protection from the Tribulation. 

Applying the Message

1. Describe a current tribulation you are facing (i.e., distress, agony, or pain). In what way does connecting with the above promise–of safety from the future Tribulation–change your view of the present challenge you are facing?

2. How might you choose to live differently as you remember the Revelation 3:10 promise? In what way can you view your life differently as you see it through the lens of Jesus’ long-term protection and security?
