
We do not have an outline this week
Watch Service     Leader Packet

Getting Started 

Describe a fun event that you have enjoyed recently (e.g., graduation, wedding, work celebration, family get-together, etc.).


What made this event enjoyable? Which memory of this event feels the most smile-inducing?

Going Deeper

As a group, read John 2:1-11. Describe what it might have been like to have met Jesus as if He was just another wedding attendee. Imagine that this was before you knew His real identity as the Lord and Messiah. In your mind’s eye, what would He have been doing? How would He have acted? 


Read Matthew 21:12-13 and John 11:35. Describe the differences between Jesus as the joy bringer at a wedding compared to Jesus as the temple table “overturner” and Jesus the weeping friend of Lazarus. Which of these three do you most associate with Jesus Christ?


Read John 2:11. Why did Jesus turn the water into wine? What would your response have been, had you witnessed this miracle first-hand? 


Thinking back to your own conversion experience, how did Jesus change you? In what way did your “water” type of life get transformed into a “wine” quality of living? How did your day-to-day experiences become something completely new?


Describe how this water-to-wine story also speaks of the transformation that will take place in the future, when Jesus comes back to bring His family home to the Father. How different will your life be in heaven? 


Applying the Message

On a percentage scale (0-100%), what percentage of your life feels like “water” and what percentage of it feels like “wine”? 


In your relationship with Jesus, how might you more fully cooperate with Him and where He is leading you, to bring your “wine” percentage up and your “water” percentage down? Asked another way, in what area of your life are you resisting something that Jesus has been nudging you away from (or toward)?






Getting Started 

Describe a fun event that you have enjoyed recently (e.g., graduation, wedding, work celebration, family get-together, etc.).


What made this event enjoyable? Which memory of this event feels the most smile-inducing?

Going Deeper

As a group, read John 2:1-11. Describe what it might have been like to have met Jesus as if He was just another wedding attendee. Imagine that this was before you knew His real identity as the Lord and Messiah. In your mind’s eye, what would He have been doing? How would He have acted? 


Read Matthew 21:12-13 and John 11:35. Describe the differences between Jesus as the joy bringer at a wedding compared to Jesus as the temple table “overturner” and Jesus the weeping friend of Lazarus. Which of these three do you most associate with Jesus Christ?


Read John 2:11. Why did Jesus turn the water into wine? What would your response have been, had you witnessed this miracle first-hand? 


Thinking back to your own conversion experience, how did Jesus change you? In what way did your “water” type of life get transformed into a “wine” quality of living? How did your day-to-day experiences become something completely new?


Describe how this water-to-wine story also speaks of the transformation that will take place in the future, when Jesus comes back to bring His family home to the Father. How different will your life be in heaven? 


Applying the Message

On a percentage scale (0-100%), what percentage of your life feels like “water” and what percentage of it feels like “wine”? 


In your relationship with Jesus, how might you more fully cooperate with Him and where He is leading you, to bring your “wine” percentage up and your “water” percentage down? Asked another way, in what area of your life are you resisting something that Jesus has been nudging you away from (or toward)?
